Testosterone Propionate: Is it suitable for beginners?

Testosterone Propionate in bodybuilding is one of the most popular steroids. This is largely due to the versatility of the drug, as it can be used during the drying period and to gain quality weight. ZPHC World offers all athletes to buy Testosterone Propionate from Zhengzhou Pharmaceuticals at a profit. We are sure that the price of this anabolic will surprise you.

Effects of Testosterone Propionate
Among the positive properties of this drug can be noted:
– On the course it is possible to gain an exceptionally high quality mass.
– Significantly increase the strength parameters.
– Sexual desire is strengthened.
– It is a strong fat burner.
– Significantly improves the relief of the body.
– Suppresses the production of catabolic hormones.
– Is effective in preventing some heart muscle ailments.
Since Propionate is the shortest ether compound of male hormone, you will notice its work already after the first injection. However, this fact is not only an advantage, but it also has a downside. A burst of strength at the very start of the course is good, but the drug is also quickly utilized by the body. From this we can conclude that it is necessary to put a steroid often.
All preparations based on the male hormone are able to retain fluid in the body, but Propionate does it not so actively. That’s why Propionate is often used during the drying period and to improve the body’s relief. However, even in this issue you can find a disadvantage. The fact that estrogens take part in the process of hypertrophy of muscle tissues.
However, when Testosterone Propionate is used in bodybuilding, the rate of aromatization increases only slightly. This results in less pronounced weight gain compared to prolonged Testosterone esters. At the same time, the mass you gain is of excellent quality and the rollback effect after the course is minimal.

Potential side effects of the drug
Among Testosterone-based anabolics, Propionate is one of the safest. This is explained by its short half-life. We already mentioned above that the use of Testosterone Propionate in bodybuilding does not contribute to a significant acceleration of aromatization processes. As a result, the concentration of estrogen increases insignificantly and the risks of developing side effects of this type are minimal. However, many athletes on a solo course of propionics use Proviron.
Also, the courses of this steroid rarely show androgenic negative effects. Not to be forgotten. That Propic suppresses the performance of the HGH axis not as actively as the same Cypionate. All this makes the steroid one of the safest in bodybuilding.

Rules for Using Testosterone Propionate in Bodybuilding
The scheme of application is extremely simple – every second day for 1.5-2 months inject 10 mg of propionate. Note that athletes of different training levels can use the steroid. The drug is excellent for novice bodybuilders. However, many of them are discouraged by the need for frequent injections. On a solo course, you only need to use Proviron to maintain concentration. Female hormones at normal levels. Also, don’t forget to do a PKT after withdrawing the AAS.
You can combine anabolic with any AAS without restrictions. The most popular combination in bodybuilding is Winstrol-Testosterone Propionate. These drugs in combination will allow you to perform a strong fat-burning course. Put the propionate every other day at 100 mg. A single dose of Winstrol is 50 mg, and injections should be taken every day.
in bodybuilding can be combined with Trenbolone Acetate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Primobolan, Masteron, etc.